Wednesday 24 November 2021

Let’s Read and Share (Book Review Competition)

In conjunction with Hari Buku dan Hakcipta Sedunia 2021 under the HIP, three pupils from Year 4B took part in the Book Review Competition under the guidance of Ms Margaret, their English and also class teacher. These pupils were Nur Ain Khadijah binti Norzavly Sham, Muhammad Syamil Danish bin Moktar and Jennessa Abigial Charles Alan.

The participating pupils were asked to choose three storybooks which they brought home to read over the weekend. These were the titles chosen by the pupils:

Ain : The Dream Machine

Syamil : The Ghost and I

Jennessa : Operation Sea Search

They were then given a book review form and guided by the teacher on how to fill it. Their parents were also asked to guide their children and they willingly did it and provided support wherever needed. They managed to record a few videos of their children presenting the book review. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it for their children to gain that experience. 

A big CONGRATULATIONS to the parents, pupils and teacher for the combined effort! Hopefully, more pupils will be encouraged to join this kind of competition in the future.



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