Wednesday 24 November 2021

English E-Carnival Storytelling Competition

One pupil from Year 4B, Jennessa Abigial Charles Alan, took part in the English E-Carnival Storytelling Competition organised by MELTA and University Malaysia Kelantan. Under the guidance of Ms Margaret during the PdPR, Jennessa was given a few examples of story along the theme 'Every cloud has a silver lining.'

After she had done her first draft of storytelling, the teacher guided her by pointing out how to stress on important words, placing of hands and facial expression. Her parents were very supportive as well in taking countless videos of her storytelling.

All effort paid off when Jennessa was shortlisted as one of the winners, and the only primary school pupil from Bumi Kenyalang! Good job, Jennessa! We, Astanians, are super proud of you!




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