Thursday 17 October 2019

Year 6 Telematch @ PASCA Programme 2019

Date: 17th October 2019 (Thursday)

As part of the PASCA programme for the Year 6 students, they took part in all of the games during the  telematch. After a short briefing by the programme coordinator, Ust. Fazlee, the students prepared themselves in their groups. 

At about 8 a.m., the telematch started. The students had a lot of fun playing various games such as walking with three legs, running / hopping in a sack and others. They were given a half hour break at 10 a.m.. After that, the games continued until around 12 p.m.. The boys were seen helping the teachers to pack up the games equipment. Altogether, they enjoyed themselves although it was a hot day.

Hari Sukan Negara @ Malaysia Sports Challenge 2019

Tarikh: 16 Oktober 2019 (Rabu)

Pada hari Rabu yang lepas, warga SK Astana telah menyambut Hari Sukan Negara dengan penuh bersemangat. Hari tersebut dimulakan dengan aktiviti senamrobik yang diketuai oleh Encik Islamie dan beberapa orang guru. 

Selepas itu, murid-murid dari empat buah rumah sukan telah menyertai pelbagai jenis permainan seperti permainan kaki tiga, lari dalam guni dan sebagainya. Guru-guru juga dijemput untuk menyertai beberapa permainan. 

Friday 11 October 2019

Minggu Bahasa 2019 anjuran Panitia Bahasa Melayu

Tarikh: 23 - 27 September 2019 (Isnin - Jumaat)

Panitia Bahasa Melayu SK Astana telah menganjurkan Minggu Bahasa dari 23 higga 27 September. Pelbagai aktiviti telah dijalankan untuk setiap tahap murid dari Pra Sekolah sehingga Tahun 6.

Hampir semua murid terlibat dalam aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut seperti Pertandingan Mendeklamasi Sajak, Pertandingan Menulis Karangan dan sebagainya. Majlis penyampaian hadiah untuk pemenang setiap pertandingan telah diadakan pada 7 Oktober 2019.

Murid-murid berasa gembira dan seronok kerana telah diberi peluang untuk mengikuti aktiviti dalam minggu tersebut. Diharapkan agar aktiviti seperti ini akan dijalankan lagi pada tahun yang akan datang.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Assembly in English: Text Reading & General Knowledge Quiz

Date: 30th September 2019 (Monday)

Emcees: Ainul Ramadhani and Izzah Insyirah (3M)

A big round of applause to the two young emcees for showing great enthusiasm and confidence in emceeing the assembly. Kudos to Mdm. Cynthia for her guidance too!

The highlights of today's assembly were the Text Reading done by Qaleesya binti Satriadi (1B) and Quiz on General Knowledge by Mdm. Cynthia. Qaleesya did extremely well and her voice was very clear. She did not show any hint of nervousness on stage!

As for the quiz, it was an interesting slot as students from any year could answer the questions and be rewarded with a sticker and pencil. More of such quizzes will be conducted in future.

Qaleesya from 1B in action. Well done! 

Quiz on General Knowledge by Mdm. Cynthia

The Closing Ceremony of Independence Celebration 2019

Date: 13th September 2019 (Friday)
Time: 10.00 - 11.30 a.m.
Venue: Dewan Budiman, SK Astana

After recess, all students and teachers gathered in the school hall to witness the closing ceremony of Independence Celebration 2019. 

After a short speech delivered by Mr. Jesi, the school's headmaster, the students watched a video of all the activities that were conducted during the independence month. Then, there were a few student presentations, starting with the choir group from PPKI students followed  by students who were involved in the Projek Anak Malaysia (PAM) organised by Global Malaysian Network (GMN) in April 2019 and then the preschool students.

The winners of the patriotic singing competition were asked to perform once more on stage. After that, prizes were given to winners of the various competitions. To officially close the ceremony, the administrators of the school were asked to take part in the gimmic: Breaking a block of ice to take out the Jalur Gemilang. All in all, everyone had a great time and we look forward to the next year's celebration.


Tuesday 1 October 2019

Program Gaya Hidup Sihat dan Selamat Tahun 3, 4 dan 5

Tarikh: 26 Ogos 2019 (Isnin)
Masa: 8.40 pagi - 12.30 tengah hari
Tempat: Dewan Budiman, SK Astana

Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling, dan Unit Disiplin Sekolah di bawah Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Murid (HEM) telah menganjurkan satu program gaya hidup sihat dan selamat untuk murid tahun 3, 4 dan 5. Antara objektif program ini adalah:

a) Memberi pengetahuan kepada murid tentang bahaya dan kesan rokok, vape, dadah dan gajet/Internet terhadap kesihatan dan kehidupan seharian.
b) Membimbing murid agar menjauhi diri dari rokok, vape, penyalahgunaan dadah serta tidak membiarkan diri sendiri menjadi hamba gajet/Internet.
c) Menyedarkan murid tentang harapan dan keperluan sekolah, ibu bapa, masyarakat dan negara terhadap generasi muda yang bebas rokok, dadah serta bijak kerana dapat menilai baik dan mudaratnya kecanggihan teknologi yang digunapakai pada masa kini.

Program ini dikendalikan oleh beberapa penceramah iaitu:

1)   Pegawai dari Pejabat Kesihatan Bahagian Kuching,
2) Pegawai dari Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN), Kuching 
3) Pegawai dari Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (Pejabat Wilayah Sarawak)

Seramai 300 orang murid Tahun 3, 4 dan 5 telah menghadiri program tersebut. Diharapkan agar program ini dapat dianjurkan lagi dengan lebih kerap untuk sentiasa mengingati murid tentang bahayanya rokok dan vape, dan  juga Internet jika tidak digunakan dengan betul.

Assembly in English - Prize Giving Ceremony for Grammar Workshop

Date: 19th August 2019 (Monday)

Emcees: Dyg Dhia Zarra and Nur Aisyah Suryati (5M)

Oath Leader: Nor Qairismy (5M)

For this assembly, a prize giving ceremony was held for the  winners of the Grammar Workshop. Three winners from each Year 4 and 5 class were selected for their effort in completing the final assessment during the workshop. CONGRATULATIONS to all winners!