Thursday 1 August 2019

The Launching Ceremony of Independence Month 2019

Date: 2nd August 2019 (Friday)
Time: 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.
Venue: Dewan Budiman, SK Astana

Right after recess, all students and teachers gathered in the school hall to witness the launching ceremony of Malaysia's 62nd independence. 

After a short speech delivered by Mr. Jesi, the school's headmaster, the students were given a flag for them to wave along as they sang patriotic songs. It was altogether an uplifting atmosphere as we truly celebrated the gift of independence and what our forefathers had accomplished. 

During the month of independence, there will be various activities lined up for the students. Among them are colouring competition, history quiz, traditional and patriotic outfit competition as well as 'the most patriotic classroom' competition.

Program Kecemerlangan Sahsiah dan Akademik Tahun 5 2019

Tarikh: 1 Ogos 2019 (Khamis)
Masa: 10.30 pagi - 1.00 tengah hari
Tempat: Makmal Komputer, SK Astana

Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling di bawah Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Murid (HEM) telah menganjurkan satu program kecemerlangan untuk sahsiah murid tahun 5. Antara objektif program ini adalah:

a) Meningkatkan sahsiah diri dan membina sikap positif.
b) Mengenalpasti sikap positif diri untuk dihayati dan diamalkan.
c) Memberi kesedaran tentang pentingnya disiplin dan pelajaran untuk kejayaan di masa mendatang.
d) Menyemarakkan jati diri dan sikap sayangkan sekolah.
e) Memotivasikan diri supaya belajar dengan lebih teratur dan menanamkan cintakan ilmu pengetahuan.
f) Membentuk sahsiah diri serta menjana kecemerlangan akademik selaras dengan hasrat sekolah melahirkan modal insan yang berkualiti.

Program ini dikendalikan oleh Encik Ahmad Sukri bin Muhamad, seorang penceramah yang terkenal dalam bidangnya. Tajuk ceramah beliau adalah 'Cemerlang Sahsiah dan Akademik'.

Grammar Workshop for Year 4 & 5 2019

Date: 23rd July 2019 (Tuesday)
Target Audience: Year 5

Date: 31st July 2019 (Wednesday)
Target Audience: Year 4

For the two days, a Grammar Workshop was conducted by Madam Flora Tan for all students in Year 5 and Year 4. The main objective of this workshop was to help build students' confidence in answering basic grammatical questions and to introduce some techniques to help them answer these questions without fear.

The workshop was carried out over four hours (including a half hour break), comprising of three different grammar items, namely Singular and Plural Nouns, Subject Verb Agreement and Pronouns.

With the Year 5

With the Year 4